Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Today was a little harder.  I didn't have anything planned or set in stone.  I am veering off the path a little.  Yesterday I had bought a McDonald's gift card because I saw a man with a sign asking for donations at the intersection by McDonald's.  But by the time I got out of McDonalds he was gone.  So I was trying to think what to do today.... 

So in walked a lady who drives the Pony Express for our school system.  She is out in all kinds of weather all the time but she does so much for me by delivering boxes and talking up all my spirit wear at the other schools.  So I thought who better to get an unexpected surprise.    So I hope "Pony Barb" had a great day.

Then after school Gigi and I went to the grocery store and got the supplies to make cookies for my neighbors.  I have them all ready to take over but I think they must be at church.  And it is VERY windy so I can't leave them outside.  So I may have to take them over in the morning.

I hate this picture I look like I'm eighty.  So I'm leaving it as little as possible.  So DON'T JUDGE!  :)

Tomorrow I'm not sure what I'll do but I will PAY IT FORWARD!

I'm linking up with Joy's Hope and The Gambrel's in OH HAPPY DAY. 

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