Today I decided that I would have a Fancy Nancy party for Gigi. So when she got here I was all dressed up with my pink wig, tiara, high heels and lots of lip stick. I had a boa and tiara ready for Gigi when she got here. I also had a tea party breakfast set up. We had yogurt and bite size peanut butter and jelly english muffins. She couldn't stop laughing at my wig. She also told me to stop talking funny. But she loved wearing her high heels and lip stick, not to mention the tiara. She didn't like the boa though. It was fun. Then we ran errands and had lunch in my backyard. Then we played doctor before watching Sharpei's Fabulous Adventure. A great last day before we leave tonight for Hilton Head. If I can't blog have a great week.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Day 10 - Fancy Nancy Party to start the day
Today I decided that I would have a Fancy Nancy party for Gigi. So when she got here I was all dressed up with my pink wig, tiara, high heels and lots of lip stick. I had a boa and tiara ready for Gigi when she got here. I also had a tea party breakfast set up. We had yogurt and bite size peanut butter and jelly english muffins. She couldn't stop laughing at my wig. She also told me to stop talking funny. But she loved wearing her high heels and lip stick, not to mention the tiara. She didn't like the boa though. It was fun. Then we ran errands and had lunch in my backyard. Then we played doctor before watching Sharpei's Fabulous Adventure. A great last day before we leave tonight for Hilton Head. If I can't blog have a great week.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Day 9 - First taste of melon and picnic in the park
You'd think she liked it, not so much!
It was a little windy!
Gigi and I started the day out with trying to make melon balls. Gigi was so excited and when we were done couldn't wait to try it. And you would think by the picture that she loved it but NOT AT ALL! She said Mimi this is not good and spit it out. And that was the end of eating melon. Then we ran more errands to get ready for our trip to Hilton Head. Then we got our lunch and went back to the park. I ask Gigi if she wanted to try a different park and she said no she wanted to go to the same park with the big hill. We had so much fun. She loves running down the big hill and playing on the "see salt".
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Day 8 - Walking on the Monon
Today Gigi and I ran a few errands and then went to Broadripple to take a walk on the Monon and then have lunch. Gigi always says she doesn't want to eat lunch but she always wants ice cream. So when we first got to the Monon she saw the snow cone booth and she immediately wanted on. So I thought better than ice cream right? I ask for a small and found out they only have one size. It was huge. She wanted strawberry, grape and bubble gum with a little ice cream on the bottom. So she drank if for a little while and was done. Then we had lunch at Noodles and Company. But before we got home Gigi was sound asleep. It was a very hot day but I got to do something I had never done before.
Father's Day 2011
We had a great day on Father's Day. John and I went to breakfast and then did some projects around the house. Then we went to Andrea and Baron's and took KFC. They had a really cute table set up for the Dad's. Gigi was so excited to give them their presents and to show them the "pupcakes" they made. We missed Andy! I hope all the Dad's had a great day.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Day 7 -Summer Reading Program and Movie Day
Well today we took Gigi's first set of books back to the library and she got to pick out her first prize. She was very excited about her laser flashlight and picking out 15 more books. Then we went to see "Mr. Poppers Penguins" at the movies. Gigi said it was the best movie ever. We loved it. The penguins were soooo cute. This is our last week together before we leave for vacation so we are packing as much in to each day as we can. We had a great time today.
My new garden chair
I found this chair at a garage sale for only$3.00. It was in great shape except for the seat. Which was perfect for what I wanted. I saw this idea on a blog and I love it. The plant fit perfectly in the center. With a little help from John who put some supports under it to help hold the plant. One more project complete. What are you working on for your summer project?
Friday, June 17, 2011
Day 6 - Watching Evan play basketball
Today we didn't take many pictures because some of things on our schedule today didn't work out. We were going to go to the library and take Gigi's first books back to get her points and prize but the library was closed. So then we went to see Evan play basketball and that was really fun. We also had lunch with Claude and Sara. But I forgot to take my camera in so I took a couple with my phone. Then we were going to go out to dinner tonight for Father's Day but my car was going to be ready late so we had to pospone. But it was really nice seeing Claude and Sara and watching Evan play.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Day 5 - Picnicing in the Park
Does this remind you of the Sound Of Music?
I told her that she didn't look like a nice Princess. So she changed to the picture above.

Today was a beautiful day and Gigi and I got to go on our picnic. We packed a lunch and took a blanket and some library books. But before we made it to the park we had to do boring stuff. I had to go pick up some boxes and make some deliveries and stop by for a meeting at the bookstore. Then we got to our picnic. Gigi was so excited about playing she wouldn't eat. But I got a few bites down her and then it was off to the playground. It was a fun playground but the metal was so hot from the sun that she couldn't get on a lot of it. I thought I would show her how much fun it was to roll down the hill but I got so dizzy I almost got sick (serves me right, I'm not as young as I think I am). Then she saw some little girls go down a really bigggggggggggg hill and wanted to go down it. I said NO WAY. She wouldn't change her mind so I said I would run down it with her. We ran down twice and walked up twice. I think I got my 10,000 steps in today.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Day 4 - Library time
Today was suppose to be our Picnic in the Park but it rained all day. So we improvised and did some crafts, gave Bruiser a bath, made brownies and went to Storytime at the Library. While we were there Gigi got signed up for the Summer reading program. She loved it and I loved the Irvington Branch of the library. After our hour at the library we had lunch at Jockomo's and then suprised Papa at work. Then we stopped by Michaels for some more craft supplies and a little shopping at Marshalls. It was a really fun day.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
One project completed!
I decided to make some new placemats for my kitchen table. I know I could buy them but I wanted some quilted placemats that I could throw in the washer. I think they look great with my black and red kitchen. I also love the thrift store craft that Andrea and I made. We saw it on the Crafting Chicks. I use it for my treat tower. It cost me about $4.00. One project down and a few more to go.
Day 3 - Visiting G-ma
Today Gigi and I went to see Grandma in New Castle. We left a little early and stopped by the park. Gigi really enjoyed playing with another little girl. She was the shark and the little girl ran from her. She loved it. Then we went to see Grandma and she surprised her with a little purse with pretend earrings. Gigi was so excited and couldn't wait to wear them. She loved playing outside at Grandma's house. I loved it because I went through her barns and brought home some antiques that add to my projects.
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